In the name Of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Immediately on receipt of this letter, send me Zamzam water.
Seal: Allah's Prophet Muhammad
Note: As already mentioned elsewhere, Sohail bin 'Amar was a
bitter enemy of Islam and made highly inflammable and virulent speeches against
the Holy Prophet(Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam). He was the person who made peace
with the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) on behalf of the Quraish on
his own terms, after a considerable argumentation. After the conquest of Makkah,
he hid himself in his home and requested his son Abu Jundal (Raziallah Anho) to
have his life spared. An account of the persecution, of Abu Jundal, who had
embraced Islam, by his father Sohail, appears elsewhere in this book. The Holy
Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) generously forgave all his past faults.
Sohail was so moved by the limitless kindness of the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho
Alehe Wasallam), that he sincerely embraced Islam and became one of the
greatest devotees of Islam. It is well known that none excelled him in saying
more prayers, or keeping more fasts and giving more charity. The excess of
prayers and fasts extremely emaciated him. As soon as he received the above
letter, he sent two water skins of Zamzam Water to the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho
Alehe Wasallam)