
Whenever you want to pursue the truth and verify anything you hear about Islam, we urge you to please use the only valid and divine source of Islam, Qur'an.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Dream and Consciousness - FATE & DESTINY

Dream and Consciousness

The moment man sleeps all those rules are cancelled, for he can travel to the States and come back several times in few moments. He can also see strange things and new places that he has never visited before. All that he can see with closed eyes although if someone approaches his eyes and almost touches it, he will not see or feel it because the eyes are closed, but yet with those eyes closed he can see very clear and he may say strange things that no one can argue about just like the king of Egypt saw in his dreams at the time of prophet Youssef (Joseph) (PBUH). Allah says about what the king saw in his dreams:

<<I saw (in a dream) seven fat cows, whom seven lean ones were devouring>>
Ayah 43 from surat Youssef

Is it possible that a cow can eat another in our day life? Of course not, we have never seen that happen before. And can the weak cow eat the strong one? No, that is really unbelievable. And man walks in his dreams with his legs on bed not even moving, and he moves from one place to another with his body staying in the same place, not even few centimeters away. Man also sees the people who died many years ago and chats with them. He sees himself young when he is already old and he sees himself fighting a lion and killing it. 
All those and other things happen to us in our sleep, we dream about it and we see it and it never happens outside the area of mind and memory and that’s why when we wake up we can tell people what we saw in details because it is stored in our memories. And some kind of seeing device other than the eyes saw what happened clearly with all the details or else how could we describe our dreams. And the discussion with the people that moved to the hereafter life is one that we are aware of because we can remember it and repeat may be the same phrases and words.

So man moves within a moment from some set of laws to another that we know nothing about, but to which we submit in our sleep. The question here is whether we have will or control over those laws that we submit to while sleeping, or not? That is can any of us while sleeping chose the events that he would like to see in his dreams? Can he say that he is going to see this and not that? Or say that this night he can go to Europe and the following night to the Soviet Union? Of course not, because when man is asleep he is out of the area of human choice. He is not free to choose what he can or cannot see and he is no more able to choose the words that he talks with and those that he hides within himself and does not utter.

He is not controlling anything he sees although his dream coincides with the notion of the human brain. For example if someone tells you that he saw something in his dream, you do not deny him that and you do not argue with him because you know that there is dreams and that sometimes you are exposed to it. So you do not accuse him of bringing out a subject that is above the human mind, but instead you give the day life laws a break so you do not use it as a measure to what happens during sleep. Your mind also does not question anyone’s dream and you do not try to argue with him about it because you know from your own experience that man can see in his dreams things that does not submit to the normal day life laws.

But still no one is able to give us a scientific explanation for the laws that controls man in his sleep and how the soul moves from one set of laws to another within the same moment and then returns to the day life laws the moment he wakes up from his sleep and again back to the sleep time laws. And no one regardless of the scientific degree that he reaches, can explain how this transfer from one law to another happens, but we know that sleep is a reality and that everyone experiences it. We also know that in the sleep time laws we go beyond the measures of time and that’s why when Allah (SWT) made the people in the cave (Ahl Al-Kahf) asleep for three hundred and nine hijri years, by the time they were awake they did not know how long they slept. And although they have slept all those years, what did they say by the time they woke up? Al-Haq (SWT) says

<<Said one of them: “How long have you stayed (here)?” They said: “We have stayed (perhaps) a day or part of a day”>>   
Ayah 19 from surat Al-Kahf

So man when sleeping does not feel the time and that’s why the seven sleepers - Ahl Al-Kahf - measured the time that they have slept by the normal sleep time measures which is usually part of the day or by most a whole day if he is very exhausted, but not more than that.

And to apply that on our selves, when we go to sleep and then wake up we do not know for how long have we been sleeping until we look to some kind of time measurement device as the watch or any other sign for time measurement like day and night. So we might have slept in the day light and then wake up late at night or vice versa, but no one can know the actual number of sleeping hours unless he turns his eyes to the watch.

To be continued....


Monday, 21 August 2017

Death and Murder - FATE & DESTINY

Death and Murder

So Death is different than murder because in the case of the former, death comes first and then after that the body is destroyed. But in the case of the Murder the body should be destroyed first to cause death, for example by hitting one’s head and breaking it or by shooting him several times in the head or chest.

So in the case of Murder, you have to destroy the body first to get the soul out and cause death. On the other side, death is a way of getting rid of life first and then the destruction of the body follows, and that can happen only from Al-Haqq (SWT) and man has no hands in it. Yet, murder is the ruining of the body first and consequently death follows. And that man who disputed with Ibrahim (PBUH) about his God because Allah has granted him the kingdom argued with Ibrahim (PBUH) also about the issue of Death and Life as in the Ayah

<<When Ibrahim said (to him): “My Lord is He who gives life and caused death.” He said: “I give life and cause death”>>
Ayah 258 from surat Al-Baqarah

And that king had been lying about what he said because only Al-Haqq (SWT) can give and take life and man can only murder, he can not cause death. And as we reach the point where man has no control over life and death, we also need to consider sleep that is also not in the hands of man. Sleep is a miracle that is confusing the whole world because it is still an unknown phenomenon. How man by just closing his eyes moves from one set of laws to another in a moment. For in the life of vigilance man hears with his ears, sees with his eyes, talks with his tongue and walks with his legs and he is bounded in time and space, limited by specific rules; for he can not travel from Egypt to the United States in less than few hours and he has to follow certain procedures. In that case he should go to the airport, check in, take the flight and spend some hours before he reaches the States, and then he checks out and so on...

And man in the life of vigilance (day life) sees with his eyes according to the strength of his sight; there is someone with good sight who can see from a far distance and another with weak sight who needs medical glasses and then material objects will obstruct his sight so he cannot see beyond a wall. Also man in the day life walks with his legs and his pace is limited even if he walks faster and he is bounded by his materialism so that if he falls from a high place he is killed or his bones are broken. Moreover, there is a lot of things hindered from man in his day life, for he can not see the dead, who relocated to the mercy of Allah, even if he stands in front of their tombs nor can he talk to them. And there is an endless set of rules in the life of vigilance that we all know about.

To be continued....


Monday, 14 August 2017



Al-Haqq (SWT) explains that case more thoroughly by saying

<<Did you (O Muhammad PBUH) not turn your vision to those who abandoned their homes, though they were thousands (in number), for fear of death? Allah said to them, “Die”: Then He restored them to life. Truly, Allah is full of bounty to mankind, but most men are ungrateful>>
Ayah 243 from surat Al-Baqarah

This Ayah was descended for the people of a village who were so scared from death due to a plague that they had to leave the village. Allah (SWT) wanted to teach them that they can never escape His destiny and that if Allah (SWT) wants them to die they will not be safe by leaving that village to anywhere else. So Allah made them all die and then He, answering the prayers of their prophets, gave them life again.

Decree of death comes at a pre-destined time that cannot be delayed or anticipated for a single minute and it is impossible to run away from it. Allah has hidden the reason of death and the time it is appointed so that no one thinks that it is a mechanical procedure where we are born and then after aging we die, as if the length of our life is fixed and after reaching sixty or seventy we should die. For that the ultimate power of Allah made death with no fixed reason, the infant dies in his mother’s abdomen, the sick man dies as of his illness and the healthy dies without any known reason. The kid dies, the young man dies and the old man dies as well. This proves that death happens by the decree of Allah and that reason has nothing to do with it, for two men may have the same illness and both are treated by the same physician and you find that one dies in few days and the other lives for years.

Yet there are people who debate the issue of death saying that one can order the execution of a man or that one can decide to kill a man by a knife or a gun and by that he is capable of controlling death. Those people try to doubt the issue of death being a decree by Allah and they claim that it can be in the hands of man. We say that those people are confused between death and murder. Allah (SWT) only can give and take life and man can never do that but yet he can murder.

Al-Haqq (SWT) says
<<Muhammad (PBUH) is no more than a messenger, and indeed many messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels as disbelievers)? And he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; and Allah will give reward to those who are grateful>>
Ayah 144 from surat Al-i-‘Imran

So death is different than murder, because Al-Haqq (SWT) says “Died or got killed” and Al-Haqq (Galla Gallaloh) differentiated between death and murder in many of the Ayat in the qur’an

<< If they had stayed with us, they would not have died or been killed>>
Ayah 156 from surat Al-i-‘Imran
<<Those who emigrated for the cause of Allah and after that were killed or died, surely, Allah will provide a good provision for them>>    
Ayah 58 from surat AlHajj
<<And Whether you die or are killed, verily, unto Allah you shall be brought together>>   
Ayah 158 from surat Al-i-‘Imran

To be continued....


Hadith 38 - Attaining Nearness to Allah and His Love

Sharh Arba'een an Nawawî Imam Nawawi’s Forty Hadeeth Hadeeth 38 On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleas...


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