
Whenever you want to pursue the truth and verify anything you hear about Islam, we urge you to please use the only valid and divine source of Islam, Qur'an.

Wednesday 5 June 2019


Reference: English Translation of the Meaning of Al -Qur'an by Muhammad Farooq-i - Azam Malik Published in 1997 by The Institute of Islamic Knowledge, 3110 East side Dr.Houston, TX , U SA.

(Numbers on the left column denote the start of the Ruku number for the Surah; the thick separator lines are for the start, quarter, half and three-fourth parts of the Juz).

Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam Malik

B.A. Honors - Islamiat and Arabic Language - 1963
L.L.B. - Islamic Law (Shari'ah) -1965
M.A. - Economics - 1966. 
M.B.A. - Accounting, Auditing and Business Law - 1975
Ph.D. - Business Administration - 1983 


Worked as a Professor for 3 years, as an Attorney for 5 years, Audit Management for 18 years in a major U.S. Corporation and now he has dedicated his life for conveying the Message of Allah.

ISLAMIC WORK - Fee-Sabee-Lillah:

During his residence in Pakistan he started an organization called Anjaman-e-Islãh-e-Muãshra (Social Welfare Society - 1959) to reform Aqeedah and fight against the un-Islamic local customs. This organization worked in all the surrounding villages and was successful in achieving most of its objectives. He also started Tarjama-tul-Qur'an (Translation of the Holy Qur'an- 1963) sessions at various Masãjid.

During his residence in New York he started Dars-e-Qur'an (Qur'anic Study Sessions - 1970) at Bronx and Manhattan. Al-Hamdulillah, most of his Dars-e-Qur'an participants are the founding members of different Islamic Centers. He is among the pioneers of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). 

After moving to Houston in 1975 he was elected three times (6 years) as a Treasurer of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH). As treasurer, he organized Accounting and Check-o-Matic systems. He was then elected twice as the Director of Religious Affairs and one time as the Director of Education (6 years).

In these positions he organized the Zonal system of ISGH for children's Islamic Education and Qur'anic Tajweed. Then he was elected as the President of ISGH (2 years). In that position he lead the community in buying the Zonal facilities at the North, Southwest, Southeast, Northwest and Bear Creek areas and putting these facilities in Owqãf (Trust) with North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).

He also accomplished the amendments to the ISGH Constitution and Bylaws for the future unlimited growth of the Muslim Community in Greater Houston area. He also served as Chairman of the Planning and Administration and Vice President of the ISGH for 8 years. He is a founding member of the Islamic Education Institute of Texas (IEIT) and the Institute of Islamic Knowledge (IIK). Currently he is serving the Islamic Society as Chairman of Khateebs Committee and Chairman of Al-Da‘wah Committee.

At the National Level he has worked as Vice Chairman of the Islamic Coordinating Committee (ICC) and has been a member of the Board of Advisers and currently is a member of the Board of Trustees of North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).

PUBLICATIONS - All dedicated Fee-Sabee-Lillah:

Al-Qur'an - The Guidance for Mankind - Translation of its Meanings in contemporary American English (Two editions – with Arabic Text for Muslims and English only for non-Muslims)

Al-Zakah, An Islamic Financial Responsibility - the Social Security System in Islam (a complete manual with eleven schedules) and Al-Zakah Software, a unique software like Turbo Tax.

Al-Wasiyyah, "The Islamic Will" - A mandatory Commandment for the residents of North America (a complete manual of U.S. Laws and Shari'ah Laws with generic "Last Will and Testament" forms)

Al-Qur’an Software – A unique software with subject index carrying over 11,000 references from the Qur’an. Ability to export Arabic Qur’anic verses and their translation directly to the word processors for preparing Khutba, lectures, development of books and other Islamic literature.

What is Islam? Who are the Muslims? Da’wah Booklet answering important repeatedly asked questions about Islam and Muslims.

to be continued....

Hadith 35 - Brotherhood in Islam

Sharh Arba'een an Nawawî Imam Nawawi’s Forty Hadeeth Hadeeth 35 On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased ...


'Asr (1) A'raf (1) Abbasid (1) abhor (1) ablution (2) abomination (1) Abraham (13) abrogation (2) Absolute (1) Abu Bakr (1) Abu Sufyan (2) Abyssinia (1) accept (8) Account (9) activity (8) Adam (16) address (1) adites (1) admonition (6) adultery (4) adversary (2) advice (2) affliction (3) agreement (1) Ahmed (4) Ahzab (1) Akbar (1) alaq (1) Allaah (50) allegiance (2) allegory (1) alliance (1) Amazing (1) ameer (1) amours (1) Angels (18) anger (1) anguish (1) animals (2) Ankaboot (1) Ansari (2) answer (2) ants (1) appropriate (1) Aqaba (1) Aqiq (1) Aqsa (3) Arabia (7) Arabic (1) Arabs (6) araf (1) argument (1) ark (2) Army (7) arrogant (8) arrow (1) Article (2) Asad (1) ascension (1) asking (3) Aslam (2) aspects (2) associate (10) Assyrians (2) astray (3) asunder (1) atheism (2) attitude (3) Authority (4) awaited (1) ayah (4) azruh (1) backbite (1) Background (1) Badr (3) Bahrain (3) Bai'yah (1) Bakka (1) Balfour (1) banu (1) baptists (1) Baqarah (1) bargain (4) bariq (1) Barnabas (1) Barzakh (1) Battle (7) begetting (1) behavoiur (1) belief (17) Believer (16) Bestowed (1) beware (1) bible (3) Bilal (1) birds (2) bishop (1) blind (3) blood (4) blood money (3) body (12) book (5) bounty (1) bowing (2) brainwashing (1) breach (1) bridge (1) brotherhood (7) Buddha (2) building (1) Bukhari (4) burden (4) Bush (1) business (2) Byzantine (2) Caesar (7) Call (13) camel (1) caravan (1) cattle (7) Cave (18) change (5) Character (15) Charity (17) chief (2) children (5) choice (33) Christians (15) citizen (1) clan (1) cleanse (2) clermont (1) cloak (1) clothing (4) coercion (1) comforter (1) commandments (10) Commitment (2) communication (1) community (6) companions (7) compensation (1) confederates (1) Confidence (1) congregation (2) conquest (3) consciousness (7) consent (1) consequences (8) Constantinople (3) constituent (1) consultation (1) contented (1) contents (39) control (3) Convey (2) conviction (5) corruption (3) country (1) Courses (4) courtiers (1) cousin (2) Covenants (8) creation (27) criterion (5) criticism (1) Crucifixion (2) Crusade (7) cure (1) curse (5) Cyrus (1) Da'wah (4) Daawat (4) Dajjal (3) Damascus (1) Dari (1) David (4) dawn (1) Day of Judgement (21) Death (27) debt (4) decree (9) Deeds (51) Deen (60) defence (1) delegation (4) delusion (2) Demands (2) democracy (2) deny (2) Desires (8) despair (4) destination (3) destiny (42) destruction (5) devil (1) dhamra (1) Dhul Qa'dah (1) Dhul Qarnain (2) Dhumaira (1) dhun (1) dialogue (2) diaspora (1) dimension (1) dinars (2) dirham (1) Discipline (2) disease (2) distracted (4) divorce (3) don't (1) doubt (5) Dr (2) Dr Zakir Naik (3) dreams (5) drink (2) Dujana (1) Duma (1) duty (7) earth (8) Eastern Orthodox Christian (3) easy (4) eating (1) education (2) ego (1) Egypt (3) Eid (1) Ela (1) elephant (1) Emigration (7) empires (4) encompass (4) enemy (7) enjoining goodness and forbidding evil (4) envy (2) epitome (1) escape (3) Establish (11) Eternity (1) Ethiopia (3) Ethopia (1) Europe (2) evangelists (2) evidence (1) evil (9) example (8) Excellence (2) Exclusive (2) exegeses (1) exhorting (1) exile (3) existence (2) Exodus (1) exploit (1) extrovert (1) Faith (28) Family (9) Farwah (1) Fasting (7) Fate (42) father (1) Fatiha (2) favour (3) Fear (12) feel (3) fig (1) fight (1) financial (1) fish (1) follow (1) food (8) forbidden (9) forgetting (2) forgive (20) Fortress (1) France (1) fraud (1) free (11) Friday (2) Friendship (4) frown (1) fruits (1) future (7) Gabriel (2) Garden (3) garments (1) Gaza (1) generous (3) geography (1) George Bernard Shaw (1) Germans (2) Ghadaya (1) Ghassani (1) gift (1) Glass (1) glitter (1) Glorify (7) Gog Magog (4) Good (21) gospel (1) governor (6) Gratitude (12) grave (1) grief (3) group (4) growth (1) grudge (1) guardian (2) guest (1) Guidance (38) guilty (2) Habroon (1) Hadith (77) hadramaut (2) hajar (2) Hajj (13) Hamdan (1) Hanook (1) haram (4) Harisi (2) harsh (3) Hatim Tayy (1) haughty (1) Hauza (2) healing (3) hearing (6) heart (19) heaven (2) heed (1) hell (17) hellfire (13) help (9) Heraclius (2) Hereafter (41) hermit (1) hesitation (3) Hijaab (1) hijrat (3) Hijri (2) Himyar (1) hindu (3) History (5) holocaust (1) hope (5) Hormuz (2) Hudaybia (4) human (23) humanity (4) humility (2) hurting (1) hypocrite (9) iddat (1) idol (5) ignorance (5) Ihsaan (5) Ikrama (1) ill (1) Imaan (17) imam (1) imperative (2) implementation (1) India (1) infidels (13) influence (3) inheritance (4) injunctions (12) innovation (2) Insha Allah (4) insight (6) instinct (4) Intention (11) intercession (2) interest (3) Interpretation (17) intoxicant (1) introvert (1) invading (3) invitation (4) invocation (2) Iran (6) Iron (9) irrigation (4) Isaac (1) Islam (142) Islamic Practices (7) Islamic state (1) Israel (7) Israr (4) Istanbul (1) Jacob (2) Jaffer (1) Jama’ah (1) Jandal (1) Jauf (1) Jerusalem (2) Jesus (9) Jews (19) Jihad (13) jinn (10) jiziya (6) John (1) Jonah (2) Jordan (2) Joseph (1) journey (4) Judah (1) judgement (10) Juhaina (5) Jumah (5) Jundal (1) jung (2) jungle (1) jurisdiction (1) Justice (27) juwain (1) Kahf (18) kalb (1) Khalid (4) khalifa (1) Khas'am (1) khaybar (2) Khidr (2) Khilafa (1) khosrow (2) khums (4) Khurasan (1) kill (8) kind (2) king (4) King (1) Kingdom (7) kins (3) Knowledge (26) lakham (1) Lamp (1) land (4) lantern (1) lashes (1) last (6) Last Day (5) lat uzza (1) law (13) leader (6) lecture (1) legal (1) leniency (1) lesson (42) letters (64) lewdness (1) Liaquat Ali Khan (1) liar (1) lie (11) Life (38) Light (6) like (3) limits (5) listen (3) loans (1) logic (4) Lord (2) love (15) loyal (2) Luqmaan (2) lust (3) luxury (4) Ma'an (1) Ma'bad (1) Maccabees (1) Madina (6) magicians (3) mahram (1) maid (1) majusi (1) Makkah (6) Malcolm X (1) Malhama (1) mannerism (3) maqna (1) marriage (4) martyr (1) Marwa (1) Mary (6) Masjid (3) Massacre (1) meadow (1) media (1) Mediterranean (1) Mehdi (1) mehra (1) mercy (5) Messenger (53) Messiah (2) Methodology (5) migrants (4) military (1) Millat (1) millennium (1) Miracle (8) Mirror (1) mischief (1) misconceptions (3) Mission (4) mock (4) modesty (1) Momin (1) monasticism (1) moon (1) morality (6) Moses (17) movement (2) Muadh (1) Muaviya (1) Mugheera (1) Muhammad (72) Muntakhab (8) Munzir (1) muqatta'at (1) Muqawqis (1) murder (4) Murra (1) musabehat (1) musaylimah (1) Musharraf (1) musk (1) Muslim (40) Muslim Village (5) mutual (1) nafs (2) nahad (1) Najashi (2) Najd (1) Najran (2) name (1) narration (3) nation (12) NATO (1) Nature (3) Nawawi (36) Nazis (1) Nebuchadnezzar (2) need (2) Negus (3) neighbour (1) night (5) nimra (1) Nisab (8) Noah (11) oath (4) Obedience (39) Objective (1) obligation (15) ocean (2) Oman (1) only (3) opening (1) oppression (18) Oration (3) order (6) organisation (1) ormus (1) orphan (3) Osman (1) Ottoman (1) pact (7) Pakistan (1) Palestine (1) pantheism (1) parable (9) paradise (23) Parents (7) parts (2) Party (1) Patience (21) Paul (1) Peace (17) pen (1) people (4) people of the book (1) perception (4) permission (3) persecution (5) Perseverance (5) Persia (3) Persians (2) Persistant (1) personality (4) Perspective (3) perverted (2) pervez (2) pharaoh (8) Philadelphia (1) Philosophy (51) physical (2) Piety (7) pillars (2) pleasing (3) Pledge (6) poison (1) polite (1) Polytheism (3) poor (1) pope (2) poverty (2) power (17) praise (4) prayer (36) preach (2) prerequisite (2) present (2) pride (4) priest (1) Prioritize (4) prison (2) proclaim (10) prohibition (9) promises (7) property (7) prophecy (3) Prophet (51) Prophet Ayub (1) Prophet Hud (3) Prophet Ilyas (1) Prophet Lut (5) Prophet Saleh (2) Prophet Shu'aib (2) Prostrate (7) protector (17) provision (1) Psychology (4) punishment (18) pure (2) Purpose (8) Qada (2) Qadr (3) qais (2) Qaroon (1) Qibla (2) qisas (1) Qital (1) Qudsi (41) Queen Sheba (1) question (14) Quraish (11) Quran (63) rab'a (1) rain (3) Ramadhan (4) ransom (3) Razi (1) reality (5) realization (4) reciting (2) recommendation (1) reconciliation (3) Refuge (10) refuse (4) rejection (1) Relationship (6) Religion (19) remembrance (11) render (1) repent (8) reply (1) reprieve (1) resemble (1) respect (1) Responsibility (19) resurrection (23) Revelation (11) Revolution (7) reward (17) rhythm (3) Riba (2) Right Path (15) Righteousness (12) rights (6) ripening (1) rise (1) ritual (1) Rizwan (1) robe (1) Romans (9) Ruku' (1) ruler (3) rumors (1) Russia (1) Sabr (7) Sacrifice (9) Saeed (1) Saff (5) Sajda (2) Saladin (1) salat (5) Salvation (12) sanctuary (1) Saqeef (1) sarcasm (1) Sassanian (1) Satan (19) sayings (5) scabbard (1) scared (1) scholar (4) scriptures (5) sea (2) seal (5) seclusion (1) secret (2) section (2) secularism (2) security (15) seeing (3) seek (4) segregation (1) Selected (5) self (5) sense (5) Series (2) Sermon (3) servant (18) serve (5) shade (2) shaitan (1) share (3) shariah (1) Shawaq (2) shepherd (3) shirk (16) Shuja (1) sight (3) Signs (21) silent (1) silver (2) similitude (2) sin (24) sincerity (1) sky (3) slander (1) slave (4) sleep (8) smoke (1) social (7) society (14) Socio-Politico-Economic System (5) Sohail (2) Solomon (7) son (10) sorcery (1) Soul (29) Sovereignty (10) space (2) speech (2) Spending (6) Spirit (5) spiritual (4) stages (1) stand (1) stars (2) State (6) Statesman (64) Steadfastness (4) stingy (3) stoning (4) strategy (1) Striving (9) Structure (2) struggle (7) study (1) style (1) subdue (1) submission (2) Success (10) suicide (1) sun (1) sunnah (2) supplication (5) Supreme (2) Surah (43) Surrender (2) suspicion (1) Sustainer (5) swear (2) sword (2) swordsman (1) synthesis (1) Syria (6) System (2) Tabuk (4) Taif (3) talaq (1) Taliban (1) Tamim (1) tareeq (1) Tatars (2) taubah (1) tax (2) teachings (2) temple (2) temporary (1) temptation (7) terrorism (3) testify (8) Testing (7) Thamud (2) thinking (5) threaten (1) throne (4) thunder (1) Tihamah (2) Time (24) Titus (2) tongue (1) Torah (4) transcendental (1) transgressors (6) translation (3) traveller (1) treaty (66) trench (3) trials (2) tribes (26) trumpet (2) trust (9) Truth (22) Turks (2) turmoil (1) tyranny (3) Uhud (3) Ukhaidir (1) Umar (4) Umayyad (2) Ummah (3) uncle (1) Understand (119) unique (2) universe (18) unseen (9) Uqayl (2) Uraiz (1) urban ii (1) Ushr (8) USSR (1) Utba (1) values (2) veil (2) Vicegerent (4) victory (5) Virtue (5) visit (1) Wa'il (1) wage (1) wahn (1) Waleed (2) war (15) Waraqa (1) warning (19) water (4) wealth (6) wells (2) whispers (5) wickedness (3) wife (6) will (28) wind (3) Wisdom (17) wish (1) wishful (2) Witness (16) wizard (1) women (3) word (2) world (9) worship (22) wound (1) wrath (3) writing (5) yamama (2) year (3) Yemen (9) youth (2) Yuhanna (2) Yunus (1) Zaid (2) Zakat (29) Zamal (1) Zamzam (1) Zechariah (1) Zimad (1) Zoroastrians (1) Zubair (1) Zuhair (1) zuhd (1) zul qarnain (1) Zulkifl (1) zur'a (1) منتخب نصاب (54)