
Whenever you want to pursue the truth and verify anything you hear about Islam, we urge you to please use the only valid and divine source of Islam, Qur'an.

Monday 4 July 2016



In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

From Muhammad, Prophet of Allah --

To Hauza bin Ali

May peace be on him who follows the guidance. It may be clarified that my deen (faith) shall reach the boundaries of the entire Arabia and Iran and shall prevail. Therefore you should accept Islam. There in lies security. I have nothing to do with your country. It shall, as before, remain under your jurisdiction.'

Seal: Allah's Prophet Muhammad


'The deen (faith) towards which you invite me, is very good. I am a famous orator and poet. Therefore the Arabs highly respect me. If you include me in your government, I am prepared to follow you".

Note: The Holy Prophet did not accept the demand of Hauza. He usually refused such peremptory demands and would say that the matter was in the control of Allah, who gave His land to whoever he wanted.

A Christian scholar had advised Hauza to accept Islam and told him that the Arab Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wasallam) would not have deprived him of his lands. He had informed him that Isa (Jesus, A.S.) had given the good news in the Bible, that a Prophet would come. Hauza, however, could not overcome the fear of losing his country and did not accept Islam.

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Hadith 35 - Brotherhood in Islam

Sharh Arba'een an Nawawî Imam Nawawi’s Forty Hadeeth Hadeeth 35 On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased ...


'Asr (1) A'raf (1) Abbasid (1) abhor (1) ablution (2) abomination (1) Abraham (13) abrogation (2) Absolute (1) Abu Bakr (1) Abu Sufyan (2) Abyssinia (1) accept (8) Account (9) activity (8) Adam (16) address (1) adites (1) admonition (6) adultery (4) adversary (2) advice (2) affliction (3) agreement (1) Ahmed (4) Ahzab (1) Akbar (1) alaq (1) Allaah (50) allegiance (2) allegory (1) alliance (1) Amazing (1) ameer (1) amours (1) Angels (18) anger (1) anguish (1) animals (2) Ankaboot (1) Ansari (2) answer (2) ants (1) appropriate (1) Aqaba (1) Aqiq (1) Aqsa (3) Arabia (7) Arabic (1) Arabs (6) araf (1) argument (1) ark (2) Army (7) arrogant (8) arrow (1) Article (2) Asad (1) ascension (1) asking (3) Aslam (2) aspects (2) associate (10) Assyrians (2) astray (3) asunder (1) atheism (2) attitude (3) Authority (4) awaited (1) ayah (4) azruh (1) backbite (1) Background (1) Badr (3) Bahrain (3) Bai'yah (1) Bakka (1) Balfour (1) banu (1) baptists (1) Baqarah (1) bargain (4) bariq (1) Barnabas (1) Barzakh (1) Battle (7) begetting (1) behavoiur (1) belief (17) Believer (16) Bestowed (1) beware (1) bible (3) Bilal (1) birds (2) bishop (1) blind (3) blood (4) blood money (3) body (12) book (5) bounty (1) bowing (2) brainwashing (1) breach (1) bridge (1) brotherhood (7) Buddha (2) building (1) Bukhari (4) burden (4) Bush (1) business (2) Byzantine (2) Caesar (7) Call (13) camel (1) caravan (1) cattle (7) Cave (18) change (5) Character (15) Charity (17) chief (2) children (5) choice (33) Christians (15) citizen (1) clan (1) cleanse (2) clermont (1) cloak (1) clothing (4) coercion (1) comforter (1) commandments (10) Commitment (2) communication (1) community (6) companions (7) compensation (1) confederates (1) Confidence (1) congregation (2) conquest (3) consciousness (7) consent (1) consequences (8) Constantinople (3) constituent (1) consultation (1) contented (1) contents (39) control (3) Convey (2) conviction (5) corruption (3) country (1) Courses (4) courtiers (1) cousin (2) Covenants (8) creation (27) criterion (5) criticism (1) Crucifixion (2) Crusade (7) cure (1) curse (5) Cyrus (1) Da'wah (4) Daawat (4) Dajjal (3) Damascus (1) Dari (1) David (4) dawn (1) Day of Judgement (21) Death (27) debt (4) decree (9) Deeds (51) Deen (60) defence (1) delegation (4) delusion (2) Demands (2) democracy (2) deny (2) Desires (8) despair (4) destination (3) destiny (42) destruction (5) devil (1) dhamra (1) Dhul Qa'dah (1) Dhul Qarnain (2) Dhumaira (1) dhun (1) dialogue (2) diaspora (1) dimension (1) dinars (2) dirham (1) Discipline (2) disease (2) distracted (4) divorce (3) don't (1) doubt (5) Dr (2) Dr Zakir Naik (3) dreams (5) drink (2) Dujana (1) Duma (1) duty (7) earth (8) Eastern Orthodox Christian (3) easy (4) eating (1) education (2) ego (1) Egypt (3) Eid (1) Ela (1) elephant (1) Emigration (7) empires (4) encompass (4) enemy (7) enjoining goodness and forbidding evil (4) envy (2) epitome (1) escape (3) Establish (11) Eternity (1) Ethiopia (3) Ethopia (1) Europe (2) evangelists (2) evidence (1) evil (9) example (8) Excellence (2) Exclusive (2) exegeses (1) exhorting (1) exile (3) existence (2) Exodus (1) exploit (1) extrovert (1) Faith (28) Family (9) Farwah (1) Fasting (7) Fate (42) father (1) Fatiha (2) favour (3) Fear (12) feel (3) fig (1) fight (1) financial (1) fish (1) follow (1) food (8) forbidden (9) forgetting (2) forgive (20) Fortress (1) France (1) fraud (1) free (11) Friday (2) Friendship (4) frown (1) fruits (1) future (7) Gabriel (2) Garden (3) garments (1) Gaza (1) generous (3) geography (1) George Bernard Shaw (1) Germans (2) Ghadaya (1) Ghassani (1) gift (1) Glass (1) glitter (1) Glorify (7) Gog Magog (4) Good (21) gospel (1) governor (6) Gratitude (12) grave (1) grief (3) group (4) growth (1) grudge (1) guardian (2) guest (1) Guidance (38) guilty (2) Habroon (1) Hadith (77) hadramaut (2) hajar (2) Hajj (13) Hamdan (1) Hanook (1) haram (4) Harisi (2) harsh (3) Hatim Tayy (1) haughty (1) Hauza (2) healing (3) hearing (6) heart (19) heaven (2) heed (1) hell (17) hellfire (13) help (9) Heraclius (2) Hereafter (41) hermit (1) hesitation (3) Hijaab (1) hijrat (3) Hijri (2) Himyar (1) hindu (3) History (5) holocaust (1) hope (5) Hormuz (2) Hudaybia (4) human (23) humanity (4) humility (2) hurting (1) hypocrite (9) iddat (1) idol (5) ignorance (5) Ihsaan (5) Ikrama (1) ill (1) Imaan (17) imam (1) imperative (2) implementation (1) India (1) infidels (13) influence (3) inheritance (4) injunctions (12) innovation (2) Insha Allah (4) insight (6) instinct (4) Intention (11) intercession (2) interest (3) Interpretation (17) intoxicant (1) introvert (1) invading (3) invitation (4) invocation (2) Iran (6) Iron (9) irrigation (4) Isaac (1) Islam (142) Islamic Practices (7) Islamic state (1) Israel (7) Israr (4) Istanbul (1) Jacob (2) Jaffer (1) Jama’ah (1) Jandal (1) Jauf (1) Jerusalem (2) Jesus (9) Jews (19) Jihad (13) jinn (10) jiziya (6) John (1) Jonah (2) Jordan (2) Joseph (1) journey (4) Judah (1) judgement (10) Juhaina (5) Jumah (5) Jundal (1) jung (2) jungle (1) jurisdiction (1) Justice (27) juwain (1) Kahf (18) kalb (1) Khalid (4) khalifa (1) Khas'am (1) khaybar (2) Khidr (2) Khilafa (1) khosrow (2) khums (4) Khurasan (1) kill (8) kind (2) king (4) King (1) Kingdom (7) kins (3) Knowledge (26) lakham (1) Lamp (1) land (4) lantern (1) lashes (1) last (6) Last Day (5) lat uzza (1) law (13) leader (6) lecture (1) legal (1) leniency (1) lesson (42) letters (64) lewdness (1) Liaquat Ali Khan (1) liar (1) lie (11) Life (38) Light (6) like (3) limits (5) listen (3) loans (1) logic (4) Lord (2) love (15) loyal (2) Luqmaan (2) lust (3) luxury (4) Ma'an (1) Ma'bad (1) Maccabees (1) Madina (6) magicians (3) mahram (1) maid (1) majusi (1) Makkah (6) Malcolm X (1) Malhama (1) mannerism (3) maqna (1) marriage (4) martyr (1) Marwa (1) Mary (6) Masjid (3) Massacre (1) meadow (1) media (1) Mediterranean (1) Mehdi (1) mehra (1) mercy (5) Messenger (53) Messiah (2) Methodology (5) migrants (4) military (1) Millat (1) millennium (1) Miracle (8) Mirror (1) mischief (1) misconceptions (3) Mission (4) mock (4) modesty (1) Momin (1) monasticism (1) moon (1) morality (6) Moses (17) movement (2) Muadh (1) Muaviya (1) Mugheera (1) Muhammad (72) Muntakhab (8) Munzir (1) muqatta'at (1) Muqawqis (1) murder (4) Murra (1) musabehat (1) musaylimah (1) Musharraf (1) musk (1) Muslim (40) Muslim Village (5) mutual (1) nafs (2) nahad (1) Najashi (2) Najd (1) Najran (2) name (1) narration (3) nation (12) NATO (1) Nature (3) Nawawi (36) Nazis (1) Nebuchadnezzar (2) need (2) Negus (3) neighbour (1) night (5) nimra (1) Nisab (8) Noah (11) oath (4) Obedience (39) Objective (1) obligation (15) ocean (2) Oman (1) only (3) opening (1) oppression (18) Oration (3) order (6) organisation (1) ormus (1) orphan (3) Osman (1) Ottoman (1) pact (7) Pakistan (1) Palestine (1) pantheism (1) parable (9) paradise (23) Parents (7) parts (2) Party (1) Patience (21) Paul (1) Peace (17) pen (1) people (4) people of the book (1) perception (4) permission (3) persecution (5) Perseverance (5) Persia (3) Persians (2) Persistant (1) personality (4) Perspective (3) perverted (2) pervez (2) pharaoh (8) Philadelphia (1) Philosophy (51) physical (2) Piety (7) pillars (2) pleasing (3) Pledge (6) poison (1) polite (1) Polytheism (3) poor (1) pope (2) poverty (2) power (17) praise (4) prayer (36) preach (2) prerequisite (2) present (2) pride (4) priest (1) Prioritize (4) prison (2) proclaim (10) prohibition (9) promises (7) property (7) prophecy (3) Prophet (51) Prophet Ayub (1) Prophet Hud (3) Prophet Ilyas (1) Prophet Lut (5) Prophet Saleh (2) Prophet Shu'aib (2) Prostrate (7) protector (17) provision (1) Psychology (4) punishment (18) pure (2) Purpose (8) Qada (2) Qadr (3) qais (2) Qaroon (1) Qibla (2) qisas (1) Qital (1) Qudsi (41) Queen Sheba (1) question (14) Quraish (11) Quran (63) rab'a (1) rain (3) Ramadhan (4) ransom (3) Razi (1) reality (5) realization (4) reciting (2) recommendation (1) reconciliation (3) Refuge (10) refuse (4) rejection (1) Relationship (6) Religion (19) remembrance (11) render (1) repent (8) reply (1) reprieve (1) resemble (1) respect (1) Responsibility (19) resurrection (23) Revelation (11) Revolution (7) reward (17) rhythm (3) Riba (2) Right Path (15) Righteousness (12) rights (6) ripening (1) rise (1) ritual (1) Rizwan (1) robe (1) Romans (9) Ruku' (1) ruler (3) rumors (1) Russia (1) Sabr (7) Sacrifice (9) Saeed (1) Saff (5) Sajda (2) Saladin (1) salat (5) Salvation (12) sanctuary (1) Saqeef (1) sarcasm (1) Sassanian (1) Satan (19) sayings (5) scabbard (1) scared (1) scholar (4) scriptures (5) sea (2) seal (5) seclusion (1) secret (2) section (2) secularism (2) security (15) seeing (3) seek (4) segregation (1) Selected (5) self (5) sense (5) Series (2) Sermon (3) servant (18) serve (5) shade (2) shaitan (1) share (3) shariah (1) Shawaq (2) shepherd (3) shirk (16) Shuja (1) sight (3) Signs (21) silent (1) silver (2) similitude (2) sin (24) sincerity (1) sky (3) slander (1) slave (4) sleep (8) smoke (1) social (7) society (14) Socio-Politico-Economic System (5) Sohail (2) Solomon (7) son (10) sorcery (1) Soul (29) Sovereignty (10) space (2) speech (2) Spending (6) Spirit (5) spiritual (4) stages (1) stand (1) stars (2) State (6) Statesman (64) Steadfastness (4) stingy (3) stoning (4) strategy (1) Striving (9) Structure (2) struggle (7) study (1) style (1) subdue (1) submission (2) Success (10) suicide (1) sun (1) sunnah (2) supplication (5) Supreme (2) Surah (43) Surrender (2) suspicion (1) Sustainer (5) swear (2) sword (2) swordsman (1) synthesis (1) Syria (6) System (2) Tabuk (4) Taif (3) talaq (1) Taliban (1) Tamim (1) tareeq (1) Tatars (2) taubah (1) tax (2) teachings (2) temple (2) temporary (1) temptation (7) terrorism (3) testify (8) Testing (7) Thamud (2) thinking (5) threaten (1) throne (4) thunder (1) Tihamah (2) Time (24) Titus (2) tongue (1) Torah (4) transcendental (1) transgressors (6) translation (3) traveller (1) treaty (66) trench (3) trials (2) tribes (26) trumpet (2) trust (9) Truth (22) Turks (2) turmoil (1) tyranny (3) Uhud (3) Ukhaidir (1) Umar (4) Umayyad (2) Ummah (3) uncle (1) Understand (119) unique (2) universe (18) unseen (9) Uqayl (2) Uraiz (1) urban ii (1) Ushr (8) USSR (1) Utba (1) values (2) veil (2) Vicegerent (4) victory (5) Virtue (5) visit (1) Wa'il (1) wage (1) wahn (1) Waleed (2) war (15) Waraqa (1) warning (19) water (4) wealth (6) wells (2) whispers (5) wickedness (3) wife (6) will (28) wind (3) Wisdom (17) wish (1) wishful (2) Witness (16) wizard (1) women (3) word (2) world (9) worship (22) wound (1) wrath (3) writing (5) yamama (2) year (3) Yemen (9) youth (2) Yuhanna (2) Yunus (1) Zaid (2) Zakat (29) Zamal (1) Zamzam (1) Zechariah (1) Zimad (1) Zoroastrians (1) Zubair (1) Zuhair (1) zuhd (1) zul qarnain (1) Zulkifl (1) zur'a (1) منتخب نصاب (54)