
Whenever you want to pursue the truth and verify anything you hear about Islam, we urge you to please use the only valid and divine source of Islam, Qur'an.

Monday 11 June 2018

Dhul Qarnain Gog & Magog SŪRAH AL-KAHF 18:83-98 TRANSLATION & COMMENTARY

Simple translation:
And they question you (Oh Muhammad) about Dhul-Qarnain. Say: “I will narrate to you something of his history.”                                            

Dhul Qarnain literally means someone who possesses two Qarns. Qarn can mean ‘horn’. But it can also mean ‘epoch’ or ‘age’. Whenever the word occurs in the Qur’an, however, it is always used in the latter sense. The implication is that Surah al-Kahf has presented a narration that applies to two ages – and in our view they are an age in the past and a second in the future. That future age, we firmly believe is the present age, or the age of Dajjal as well as of Gog and Magog. And that is why this book ‘Surah al-Kahf and the Modern Age’ could not have been written before now.

The Jewish Rabbis in Yathrib (now renamed Madinah al-Nabi) had posed the question concerning the great traveler who had traveled to the two ends of the earth, and it is to this question that the Qur’an has responded.

Simple translation:
 “Behold, We gave him power in the earth, and thus endowed him with (the capacity to do whatever he wanted to do);”                                

He was a man of faith. And so his political and military power in his world-order rested on the foundations of faith.
What is the most essential aspect of the relationship that should exist between politics and morality? When power in a world-order rests on the foundations of faith what kind of a world-order would it establish and sustain? Surah al-Kahf now proceeds to teach a tremendous lesson which makes it possible for us to recognize the reality of today’s Euro world-order and to understand how we should respond to it.

Simple translation:
“and so he followed a way (or chose the right means to follow that way);”
Explanatory translation:
(Here is an instance of how he used his power). “He followed a way (by marching westwards and by choosing the right means to achieve a right end),”

Simple translation:
until, when he came to the setting sun, and he found it setting in a dark, turbid sea; and nearby he found a people. We said: “O Dhul-Qarnain! either punish them, or to treat them kindly.”                                     
Explanatory translation:
until, when he came to the (land of the) setting sun, (since there was no land beyond, it appeared like the end of the earth) and he found it setting in a dark, turbid sea; and nearby he found a people. We said: “O Dhul-Qarnain! (you have authority), either to punish them, or to treat them kindly.” 

The link between morality and politics can best be determined through the use of power. Power can be used to reward and assist, or to punish, and in so doing it can also be used justly or unjustly. The purpose of the story of this journey is to elicit a demonstration of how power is used by Dhul Qarnain when it rests on the foundations of faith! 

Simple translation:
He answered: “In time, (we will use our power) to punish he who is guilty of oppression, injustice, wrongdoing etc., and when he returns to his Lord-God then He (Allah) would also punish him with indescribable punishment.”

And so, when power rests on the foundations of faith it first waits to ensure that when it is finally used, it would be used justly to punish the oppressor and those guilty of unjust conduct. Peace and happiness are not possible in an unjust world. In establishing justice, Dhul Qarnain’s world-order would have made peace and happiness on earth possible.  

This is how the world could have been if mankind had accepted Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) and followed him. This is how it can be even now if mankind accepts the Qur’an as Truth and follows its guidance.

When the Last Age, or the Age of Fitan, comes upon mankind, the world which had rejected Prophet Muhammad and did not follow his way of life would experience the opposite of Dhul Qarnain’s world-order. Power in that age would rest on foundations which would be godless (otherwise known as secular) and power would be used unjustly to oppress, rather than to punish the oppressor. Peace and happiness would disappear in such a world-order.  Surah alKahf here explains the reality of today’s world.

Simple translation:
“But as for him who has faith and whose conduct is righteous - he will have the ultimate good (of the life to come) as his reward; and we will use our power to ensure that he has ease (here in his life on earth).”       

When power rests on the foundations of faith it is used to support and reward those who lead lives of faith and of righteous conduct. That would be the best of all worlds, and it would deliver maximum peace and happiness to people who live in it. 

Secondly, when he uses power to punish the unjust and the oppressor, and to reward and support those who lead lives of faith and righteous conduct, Dhul Qarnain points to the essential harmony that would then exist between his world order here-below and the heavenly world-order above. 

Surah al-Kahf here delivers an ominous warning that the Last Age would witness the emergence of a world-order in which power would rest on foundations which would be essentially godless and devoid of values. Expediency, opportunism, a cynical disregard for the godly life of faith, piety and righteous conduct, oppression, etc., would characterize politics and the use of power in such a world-order. In consequence such a world-order would be characterized by disharmony and warfare between the world here-under and the heavenly world above. That is precisely the world in which we now live.  

Simple translation:
“then again he chose the right means;”                                     
(Here is another instance of how he used his power. He marched eastwards) and (once again) he chose the right means (to achieve a right end),

Simple translation:
“until when he came to the sun rising and he found it rising on a people for whom We had provided no covering from the sun (other than the natural covering).”                                                                               
Explanatory translation:
“until when he (eventually) came to (a land which was the farthest point eastwards that he could go since there was no land beyond, and it appeared like the end of the earth) and that the sun was rising from beyond that land, he found it rising on a people for whom We had provided no covering (protection against the sun other than the natural covering).” 

Surah al-Kahf now delivers a second lesson on the use of power, and in doing so it helps us to recognize the reality of the present age. 

Simple translation:
“Thus (did he meet them and thus did he leave them); and We did encompass with Our knowledge his grasp of the situation.”             
Explanatory translation:
“Thus (We had made them, and thus did he meet them and thus did he leave them undisturbed in their natural way of life); and We did encompass with Our knowledge his grasp of the situation (and his response to it).” 

When power rests on the foundations of faith, it has the good sense, wisdom and sense of compassion to allow those who live a primitive way of life to continue to do so undisturbed by so-called progress of the world. 

The verse of the Qur’an may also refer to those who live contentedly in a state of bare subsistence, and Dhul Qarnain had the good sense and wisdom to leave them undisturbed. 

Surah al-Kahf here delivers a profound warning of an age which is to come when those who wield power in the world would be essentially godless and would act in a manner completely opposite to that of Dhul Qarnain. The primitive way of life will be mercilessly attacked and destroyed in the name of godless modernity and globalization.  That age has already come to the world.

In addition, those who live contentedly in a subsistence economy would have their way of life attacked and destroyed and they would be reduced to unimaginable suffering. That is the fate which has already overtaken most of Africa.   

That age, of which Surah al-Kahf has warned, is here and now!

Simple translation:
“Then again he chose the right means;”                                             
Explanatory translation:
(Finally here is the third instance of how he used his power. He marched in a third direction and once again) he chose the right means (to achieve a right end).

Simple translation:
“(And he marched on) till, when he reached (a pass) between the two mountain-barriers, he found betwixt them a people who could scarcely understand a word (of his language).”                                                  
The implication of coming upon a people who could not understand anything of the language spoken by the ruler of the world is that they lived in a state of isolation from the stage of the world. They could have had no trade with the outside world, nor could they have traveled in it. Only a people who lived, perhaps, as wild tribes, would qualify as such an isolated people.

This is a very important matter indeed to which Surah al-Kahf is directing our attention. We must make every effort to identify these people since that knowledge is crucially important for us if we are to recognize and understand the grave warnings just delivered concerning a world-order of awesome evil which is to come, and which would witness power being constituted and used in exactly the opposite way to that of the world-order of Dhul Qarnain.

Simple translation:
they said: "O Dhul Qarnain! Behold, Gog and Magog are corrupting the land. May we offer you tribute on the condition that you build a barrier between us and them?”                                                                         
Explanatory translation:
(Eventually, when they were able to communicate with each other) they said: “O Dhul Qarnain! Behold, Gog and Magog are corrupting (and destroying) this land. May we offer (to pay) you tribute on the condition that you build a barrier between us and them (to protect us from them)?” 

When once the last Prophet had come to the world the implication was that the Last Age could now commence. In that Last Age one of the most momentous of all the Signs of Allah Most High to appear in the world would be the advent of Gog and Magog. This verse must qualify as one of the most important verses of Surah al-Kahf in so far as the Surah explains the modern age. Who are Gog and Magog - the two tribes that have descended from Father Adam (‘alaihi al-Salam) through Nabi Nuh (‘alaihi al-Salam)?

Whoever they were, Gog and Magog were people who had awesome power. This is clear from the fact that the people who were under attack from Gog and Magog requested Dhul Qarnain to build a barrier to protect them. This awesome power which they possessed was confirmed in a Hadith al-Qudsi transmitted in the Sahih of Imam Muslim in which Allah Most High is reported to have said,
“I have created creatures of mine (i.e., Gog and Magog) so powerful that none but I can destroy them.”

But Surah al-Kahf also delivered the extraordinary news that Gog and Magog used their power in exactly the opposite way from that of Dhul Qarnain. They created Fasad fil Ard, i.e., their conduct was the worst that was possible. They corrupted and destroyed everything that they targeted with their indestructible oppressive power. Acts of terrorism are also recognized as Fasad fil Ard. Those convicted of Fasad fil Ard are to be punished, in accordance with Allah’s decree, either by “being put to death, or crucified, or by cutting off his hand and foot on opposite sides, or by banishment from his society”. (Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:36)

This is by far the most severe of all divinely-ordained punishments.

The amazing implication of the above is that when Gog and Magog are finally released into the world mankind would be subjected to a world-order that would be the opposite of that of Dhul Qarnain. This book demonstrates that we now live in the world-order of Gog and Magog!
Simple translation:
He answered: “That wherein my Lord-God has so securely established me is better (than any tribute that you could offer me); hence, do but help me with (your) manpower, (and) I shall erect a barrier between you and them!”                                                                                                     
In agreeing to build a barrier which would contain Gog and Magog and so protect the people from their evil, Dhul Qarnain provided further evidence confirming that they (i.e., Gog and Magog) were people with awesome indestructible power which he could only endeavor to contain since even he could not destroy them.

Simple translation:
Bring me ingots of iron! Then, after he had filled the gap between the two mountainsides, he said: “ply your bellows!” At length, when he had made it a fire, he commanded: “Bring me molten copper which I may pour upon it.”                                                                                                   
Explanatory translation:
Bring me ingots of iron! Then, after he had (piled up the iron and) filled the gap between the two mountainsides, he said: “(Light a fire and) ply your bellows!” At length, when he had made it (glow like) fire, he commanded: “(Now place the copper in the fire and then) bring me molten copper which I may pour upon it.”

Only a barrier built of the strongest possible metal could contain Gog and Magog. The Qur’an confirmed (in Surah alHadid) that iron was precisely such a metal that possessed awesome strength. After Dhul Qarnain had built that iron barrier he then poured molten copper on the iron in order to prevent rust.

The awesomely important implication of the above is that when Gog and Magog are released by Allah Most High into the world, and they commence their evil reign of terror, believers would have to seek protection from them by placing a very strong barrier to keep them out, rather than a bridge to keep them connected.

Simple translation:
“And they were unable to scale it, and neither were they able to penetrate it.”                                                                     
Explanatory translation:
“And thus (the barrier was built, and Gog and Magog) were unable to scale it, and neither were they able to penetrate it (by digging through it and, as a consequence, mankind was safe from the attacks of Gog and Magog).”

So long as that barrier (built by Dhul Qarnain) remained intact, mankind remained safe from the ravages of Gog and Magog. 

Simple translation:
He said, “This is mercy from my Lord-God! Yet when the time appointed by my Sustainer comes, He will reduce it to ruins: and my Lord-God’s promise always comes true!”                                                               
Explanatory translation:
Said (Dhul Qarnain): “(Our success in constructing this barrier) is mercy from my Lord-God! Yet when the time appointed by my Lord-God comes (i.e., Youm al-Qiyamah or the Last Age), He will reduce this (barrier) to ruins: and my Lord-God’s promise always comes true!”


Surah al-Kahf has here delivered the momentous warning that Allah Himself would one day destroy the barrier and so release Gog and Magog into the world. When Allah Most High does so the implication would be that power in the world would eventually rest on godless foundations and that power would be used to oppress, corrupt, destroy, and to wage war on Islam.

To Be Continued....

Surah Kahf Unveiling The End Time By Sheikh Imran Hosein

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Hadith 35 - Brotherhood in Islam

Sharh Arba'een an Nawawî Imam Nawawi’s Forty Hadeeth Hadeeth 35 On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased ...


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