
Whenever you want to pursue the truth and verify anything you hear about Islam, we urge you to please use the only valid and divine source of Islam, Qur'an.

Monday, 18 June 2018


Simple translation:
“And on that Day We shall leave them to surge like waves against one another; and the trumpet will be blown, and We shall gather them all together.”                                                                                                 
Explanatory translation:
“And on that Day We shall (begin a process which would call forth all mankind in what would become one global society, i.e., globalization and) leave them to surge like waves (that dash) against one another (since even though they will be one global society there will be more conflicts, wars, killing, genocide, ethnic cleansing, barbarism, racial polarization, war on Islam and on religion, etc. than ever before); and the trumpet (of judgment) will be blown, and We shall gather them all together (in that one global society).”

This extraordinary verse of Surah al-Kahf anticipates an age which would witness not only the amazing spectacle of globalization but, also, universal conflict and strife caused by a marauding Gog and Magog world-order.

Simple translation:
“And on that Day We shall place hell, for all to see, before those who denied the truth ”                                                                                                                
Explanatory translation:
“And on that Day (i.e., when that time comes when the one global society is achieved and mankind is witnessing more conflicts, wars, random killings etc, than ever before) We shall place hell, for all to see, before those who denied the truth

At the time of the fulfillment of this divine warning, mainstream society around the world would be living the way of life of the people of the hellfire. That is precisely the world in which we live today.  We do not need to wait for any more evidence that this warning is today fulfilled in the world at large.

Simple translation:
“Those whose eyes had been veiled from My remembrance because they could not bear to listen!”            
Explanatory translation:
“Those (who would now constitute mainstream society and would be living the way of life of the people of hellfire would be a people) whose eyes had been veiled from My remembrance because they could not bear to listen (to the voice of truth)!”

The implication of this verse is that those who have eyes and yet cannot see - ears and yet cannot hear - hearts and yet cannot understand, would be unable to recognize the reality of the world in which they live at that time when this warning is fulfilled. Hence they cannot recognize the reality of the world today. How, then, can they function as shepherds for their flock of sheep and as guides for the Ummah? Yet, with only few exceptions (i.e., of whom we are aware), these are precisely the kind of people who assume leadership of Muslim communities around the world today.

Many of them assume leadership with the secret assistance of the enemies of Islam, as well as with the strategic help of their check books!

Simple translation:
“Do the disbelievers believe, perchance, that they can succeed in poaching upon My servants to become their allies rather than remaining faithful to Me? Verily, We have readied hell to welcome all who disbelieve).”
Explanatory translation:
“Do the disbelievers (who reject this last divinely revealed scripture, i.e., the Qur’an, and this last Prophet of Allah Most High, i.e., Muhammad, peace be upon him) believe, perchance, that they can succeed in poaching upon My (faithful) servants to (seduce them) into becoming their allies rather than remaining faithful to Me? Verily, We have readied hell to welcome all who (thus) disbelieve (and all who befriend the disbelievers in preference to Allah, His Messenger and the believers).”

In other words Allah Most High here declares that when the Jewish-Christian alliance emerges in the age of Gog and Magog, and takes control of the world, and then uses their unprecedented power and enormous capacity for deception in a struggle to seduce or to force Muslims to submit to them and to follow them rather than Allah Most High, that His true servants would resist the disbelievers and would never be a part of that global godless society. Rather than joining the godless world, the true servants of Allah Most High would struggle to remain faithful to Him by disengaging from that world. I believe that the best way to disengage is in the establishment of remotely located Muslim Villages.*

(*The Tanzeem-e-Islami (a Jama’ah to which this writer once belonged), and its Amir, the respected scholar of Islam, Dr. Israr Ahmad, have opposed this project of the establishment of remotely-located Muslim Villages largely in consequence of their essentially epistemological rejection of the basic thesis of our book, ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’, i.e., that we now live in the age of Dajjal, as well as of Gog and Magog.  However, when the Hajj is abandoned, as prophesied in the Hadith of Sahih Bukhari, it would no longer be possible for anyone to withhold acceptance of the basic arguments of that book concerning Gog and Magog.

Almost 100 years ago the outstanding Turkish Islamic scholar, Bad’iuzzaman Sa’id Nursi, recognized the Euroworld-order to be that of Gog and Magog and went on to advise his many students and followers in Turkey to preserve Islam in the Turkish countryside in 10,000 Muslim villages. In consequence of the implementation of that invaluable advice the Turkish countryside is still fervently Muslim to this day, even while the cities, which oppress Muslims, are firmly embraced by wine, pork, nakedness and godlessness.

The age in which we now live is far more godless and decadent than that of Sa’ad Nursi’s, and hence the survival of authentic Islam in the Muslim communities of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Egypt, etc., and the rest of the Muslim world, can only be possible in Muslim Villages located in the remote country-side. Those communities, in turn, would have to build an invisible wall between them and the godless world of Gog and Magog in order to protect themselves and their faith in Allah Most High. 

This writer might not live to see such Muslim Villages newly established in many different parts of the world where Muslims now reside, but he prays that this book might inspire the sons and daughters of Islam in the generations to come to establish such Villages. Amin! )

Simple translation:
Say: “Shall we tell you who are the greatest losers in (no matter) whatever they may do?”           
Simple translation:
“(They are) those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works."                 
Explanatory translation:
“(They are) those whose efforts have been wasted in the worldly life (because they devoted all their efforts in the pursuit of worldly things without the consciousness that all their labor and efforts were futile since they had gone astray), while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works (i.e., they believed that their achievements were marvelous and that they were rightly guided).”

So much so, then, for the spurious claims of the one-eyed modern ‘white’ western civilization and its ‘colored house slaves’ around the world, that mankind is witnessing unprecedented progress, that the present is the best of all ages, that the world keeps on growing better and better, and that modern ‘white’ western civilization has rendered all previous civilizations, including Islam, moribund and obsolete! So much so, then, for the local one-eyed ‘house slave’ who criticized the establishment of Muslim Villages while insisting that Muslims must remain a part of ‘mainstream society’ - even when that mainstream is heading for the garbage bin of history!

Simple translation:
“They are those who have rejected the messages of their Lord-God and (the belief that) they are destined to meet Him; hence, all their work will be worthless, and no weight shall We assign to them on Resurrection Day.”           
Explanatory translation:
“(They have gone astray in the sense that) they have chosen to reject the messages of their Lord-God (of which this Qur’an is the last and the most important of all) (and these are they who either reject the claim of the Qur’an to be the revealed word of the One God, or who accept the Qur’an but fail to live by its guidance), or they have chosen to reject belief that they are destined to meet Him (one day for judgment); for Hence, all their (life’s) work will be worthless, and no weight shall We assign to them on Resurrection Day (when each of mankind - Excellencies and all) would be placed on a scale to be weighed).”

Simple Translation
“The hellfire would be their (just) punishment for having denied the truth (in this Qur’an) and (for having) made fun of My messages and My apostles and (for) targeting them for scornful treatment and mockery.”     

To Be Continued....

Surah Kahf Unveiling The End Time By Sheikh Imran Hosein

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Hadith 38 - Attaining Nearness to Allah and His Love

Sharh Arba'een an Nawawî Imam Nawawi’s Forty Hadeeth Hadeeth 38 On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleas...


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